by Steve Mackenzie
1. A21-18 was issued to 2 Sqn in 1940 but served there only briefly before going into storage till 1943. The style of markings show how it would have been in 1940. I do not have the photo of this one myself so I have reproduced it from Red Roo's profile in the instructions.
A21-18 while with 2 Sqn. The scheme as overall Yellow. Black serials and Red/White/ Blue roundels in six positions plus fin stripes.Yellow tip to spinner.
1. A21-12 as photographed while at 25 Sqn in 1941/2.
A21-12 while with 25 Sqn. The scheme was overall Aluminium. Black serials, and spinner. Pre-war Red/White/ Blue roundels in six positions plus tail stripes.
. Light Grey serials and wartime White/ Blue roundels in six positions plus fin flashes. Aluminium tip to spinner per Red Roo (my interpretation 20 years ago was White). I have included the upper camo view from the instructions as this was something I was not able to ascertain 20 years ago. These profiles copyright Red Roo.
1. A21-9 as photographed while at 25 Sqn 1940.
A21-36 photographed at Urunquinty. Photo: Ref AHMWA P881636.
A21-36 also photographed at Urunquinty. Photo: Ref AHMWA P881638.
A21-36 while at Urunquinty. The scheme as overall Yellow with Foliage Green upper surfaces (Red Roo have illustrated it as Foliage Green/ Earth Brown in their instructions but there is no sign of a 2nd Earth Brown colour in these good quality images. Once again you take your choice if doing the model). Black serials and Red/White/ Blue roundels in six positions plus fin flashes. Yellow tip to spinner. Note the incomplete underwing roundel due to a replacement aileron.
1. A21-5 as photographed while with 2 C.U (Comm Unit) 1943/44.
A21-5 while with 2 C.U. The scheme as illustrated by Red Roo is Foliage Green/ Earth Brown upper surfaces with Sky Blue lower surfaces. Light Grey serials and Sky Blue codes. Blue/White roundels in four positions plus fin flashes. White tip to spinner This profile is copyright Red Roo. Actually 2 C.U used three DH94s at different times (A21-5, 10 & 41) and Red Roo is not sure which one this is. Also the codes could be JF-E or F. They cover all the bases by giving options for all on the decal sheet, so the modeller can choose for themselves.
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